
Nordic-Baltic BACCI VOC Workshop,
11-12 October, Jahimaja Trofee, Jõgevamaa

SMEAR Estonia

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The start...

The plan to set up a SMEAR station in Estonia reaches long time back, but since two years, the plan has become partly reality. In 2008, the first integrated ecosystem measurement campaign was conducted and repeated in 2009. Now, since 2010, it's planned to start year round measurements.

SMEAR Estonia is part of the Estonian roadmap project "Keskonnaobservatoorium" which has the aim to set up a comprehensive environmental measurement network within Estonia. more...

Current hot topics

The smoke released by the forest fires in Russia to be seen at our NOx measurement in Järvselja.

Easterly and sout-easterly winds caused between 6th and 8th August 2010 a smog situation over large parts of Estonia. At the measurement tower in Järvselja, the rise of NOx have been recorded until the heavy thunderstorm on August 8th cleaned the air again.


The back trajectories spot the places where the air masses that arrived at Järvselja between 48 hours from 6th August 2010 and ending the 8th August 2010 at 18:00 local time (EET). The calculation takes the last three days (72 hours) into account.


In the following overlay picture, the trajectories have been copied over the map of russian forest fires between 6th and 8th August 2010. (map available at
