Some composed prints.
- PhD Thesis Epidemiology of Mycoplasma bovis intramammary infection in dairy herds (2019)
- Personalia Once again about breeding. Book 4.Continuation of Personal listings, Estonia needs breeding, and About life, conditions and breeding. 2009-2018. Olev Saveli, Doctor (Agricultural Science), Professor Emeritus (2018)
- Book From Estonian Agricultural Academy to Estonian University of Life Sciences. Developments in study activities in 1951–2018 (2018)
- Personalia Anne Lüpsik 70 (2018)
- PhD Thesis Expression of BMP and Pax Proteins in the Central Nervous System of Human and Rat Embryos at Early Stages of Development (2017) (PDF format)
- Brochure Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu tõuaretusealase määruse arutelu (2016) (PDF format)
- Book Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts 95 (2015) (ESTER)
- Cover + colour photos Lambakasvatus I (2012) (ESTER)
- Book Loomakasvatus (2012) (ESTER)
- Book 125 aastat tõuraamatute pidamist Eestis (2010) (PDF format 3578 KB)
- Book 125 aastat tõuraamatute pidamist Eestis (2010) (Flashi book)
- Personalia Elust, olust ja tõuaretusest. 2008 (PDF format)
- Proceedings Proceedings of 13th Animal Breeding Conference (2007) (PDF format)
- Proceedings Animal Breeding in the Baltics (2004) (PDF format)
- Proceedings Proceedings of 7th Animal Breeding Conference (2001) (PDF format)
- Book Dr. agr. Elmar Järvesoo prof. emer. elu ja töö (2001) (ELNET)
- Book Dr. agr. Elmar Järvesoo prof. emer. elu ja töö (2001) (PDF format)
- Journal Tõuloomakasvatus 1998/1-2002/1, 2002/3-....
Small prints
- Tõuloom 2009 - ... programmes
- Academic Aarne Pung memorial day invitation 2009 (PDF format)
- Tõuloom 2008 programme. (PDF format)
- ETLL information in newspaper Äripäev. 2008 (PDF format)
- ETLL 10. anniversary invitation. 2007 (PDF format)
- Tõuloom 2007 programme (PDF format)