- Kerttu Keir
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Bioturvalisus Eesti lihaveisefarmides
Biosecurity on Estonian Beef Cattle Farms
Supervisors: Alo Tänavots, Heli Kiiman
Reviewer: Reet Pikkmets, MSc (agr)
- Tea Liping
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Emiste praakimise põhjused ja karjaspüsivus
Culling reasons and longevity of the sows
Supervisors: Alo Tänavots, Aarne Põldvere, Raivo Laanemaa
Reviewer: Ragnar Leming, DSc (agr)
- Elin Sild
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Djuroki tõugu kultide segusperma kasutamine nuumsigade tootmiseks
Use of Duroc mixed sperm for production of fattening pigs
Supervisors: Alo Tänavots, Aarne Põldvere, Raivo Laanemaa
Reviewer:: Meelis Ots, DSc (agr)
- Kaarel Sild
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Eesti lihaveisetõugude lihajõudluse võrdlus
Comparison of Estonian Beef Cattle Breeds Productivity
Supervisors: Alo Tänavots, Tõnu Põlluäär, Heli Kiiman
Reviewer: Ilmar Kallas, MSc (agr)
- Anet Post
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Meat and Dairy Technology (455)
Master of Science in Engineering (meat science)
Taimsete lisandite mõju sealihast pihvide kvaliteedile
Effect of plant based additives on the quality of pork patties
Supervisors: Kristi Kerner, Marek Tepper, Alo Tänavots
- Triin Edula
Integrated studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Veterinary Medicine (398).
Degree in Veterinary Medicine
Opioidi kasutus koertel: äge pankreatiit, võõrkeha seedekulglas ja sooletuppumus
Opioid use in dogs: acute pancreatitis, gastrointestinal foreign body and intestinal intussusception
Supervisors: Ingrid Hang, Aleksandr Semjonov, Alo Tänavots
Reviewer: Birgit Aasmäe, PhD
- Maris Pihlapuu
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Praakimispõhjustest eesti holsteini ja eesti punast tõugu piimaveisekarjades
Reasons for culling among Estonian Holstein and Estonian Red dairy cattle herds
Supervisors: Alo Tänavots, Heli Kiiman, Tanel Kaart
Reviewer: Marko Kass, PhD
- Tõnis Jairus
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Pidamistingimuste mõju lüpsilehmade praakimisele
Effect of farm conditions on culling in dairy cows
Supervisors: Heli Kiiman, Alo Tänavots, Tanel Kaart
Reviewer: Ragnar Leming, DSc (agriculture)
- Annela Heidemann
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Meat and Dairy Technology (455)
Master of Science in Engineering (meat science)
Sea rasvkoe füüsikalis-keemilised näitajad
Physical and chemical characteristics of pork fat tissue
Supervisors: Riina Soidla, Alo Tänavots, Aarne Põldvere
Reviewer: Taavi Torga, MSc
- Kadi Margens
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Meat and Dairy Technology (455)
Master of Science in Engineering (meat science)
Nuumsigade selja pikima lihase tehnoloogiline kvaliteet ja koostis
Technological quality and composition of Longissimus thoracis muscle in finishing pigs
Supervisors: Riina Soidla, Alo Tänavots, Aarne Põldvere
Reviewer: Jaan Parts, MSc
- Jaan Parts
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Meat and Dairy Technology (455)
Master of Science in Engineering (meat science)
Lihaveiste algtöötlemisel tekkivad kõrvalsaaduste kogused ja füüsikalis- keemiline koostis
Output of by-products quantities during primary processing and their physico-chemical composition of beef cattle
Aarne Põldvere, Lembit Lepasalu, Alo Tänavots
- Taavi Torga
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Meat and Dairy Technology (455)
Master of Science in Engineering (meat science)
Djuroki tõugu kultide mõju nuumsigade lihas- ja rasvkoe kvaliteedile
Effect of Duroc boars on meat and fat quality of finishing pigs
Ph.D. Aarne Põldvere, Dr.Agr.Sc. Alo Tänavots
- Sten Sild
Bachelor studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Foodstuff Technology (100984)
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Madala temperatuuriga termilise töötlemise mõju sealiha reoloogilistele ja tehnoloogilistele omadustele
Effect of low temperature thermal treatment on pork rheological and technological properties
PhD Aarne Põldvere, DSc (agriculture) Alo Tänavots, MSc Raili Saar
The national student research competition 2015 diploma in the field of biological and environmental sciences, in applied higher education and bachelor’s students degree.
- Jaanika Torp
Bachelor studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Foodstuff Technology (100984).
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Põdraliha koostis ja kvaliteet sõltuvalt loomade vanusest
Moose meat composition and quality according to the age of animals
PhD Aarne Põldvere, DSc (agriculture) Alo Tänavots, MSc Riina Soidla
- Elisa Altosaar
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Animal Science (449)
Master of Science in Agriculture (animal science)
Piima tilkumise seos udara tervise ja piima jõudlusnäitajatega
Factors affecting milk leakage of dairy cows udder
DSc (agriculture) Alo Tänavots, DSc (agriculture) Heli Kiiman
- Stanislav Žurbenko
Master studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Meat and Dairy Technology (455)
Master of Science in Engineering (meat science)
Djuroki tõu mõju sealiha kvaliteedile Eestis
Influence of Duroc Breed on Pork Quality in Estonia
MSc Riina Soidla, PhD Aarne Põldvere, DSc (agriculture) Alo Tänavots